Sampling from hoppers, silos, big bags and other types of storage

The piston sampler

Powders, granules, agglomerates…

At rest, the sampling system has no influence on the flow of the product. There is a seal between the sampler and the enclosure.


A spoon piston is inserted under the product flow for the time required for loading. When the scoop is full, the piston returns to its position above the sample hopper. The piston then rotates through 180° to drain the product. If necessary, a metered gas injection facilitates evacuation. Rotation movements are transmitted by pneumatic cylinders.

How it works

An electro-pneumatic or pneumatic control box is used to set the manual or automatic (programmed) sampling cycle, and provides the safety features required for operating conditions.


Sealing systems ensure that the spoon piston is sealed and scraped. All parts in contact with the product are made of stainless steel, plastic or PTFE. Standard cylinder (light alloy), seals (Nitrile, Viton, PTFE). The whole unit is encased in stainless steel

The manual piston sampler

Powders, granules, agglomerates, liquids…

At rest, the sampling system has no influence on product flow. There is a seal between the sampler and the enclosure.

Préleveur manuel à piston


A spoon piston is inserted under the product flow for the time required for loading. When the scoop is full, the piston returns to its position above the sample hopper. In this position, the spoon is turned through 180° to drain the product. The piston is repositioned flush with the flow circuit (waiting).

If necessary, a metered gas injection facilitates evacuation.

A containment chamber can be provided

How it works

The translation and rotation movements of the sampling spoon are manual.

Translation is achieved by rotating the handwheel. The orientation of the spoon (emptying/loading position) is transmitted by the positioning of the operating arms.


All parts in contact with the product are stainless steel (304 L or 316 L stainless steel, PETP, PTFE, etc.), including piston, spout and sleeve.

The manual actuator is in stainless steel and the bearings in bronze. Three models are available: Ø 33, Ø 47, Ø 75, allowing samples of up to 250 CC to be taken per maneuver.

Screw sampler

More or less homogeneous powders, granules and agglomerates.

Préleveur à vis


An Archimedean screw driven by an electric or pneumatic motor transfers the product into a chute which feeds the sample pot.

Screw dimensions (diameter and pitch) are determined by the product and flow rate required.

To install this system, the screw must be permanently present in the circuit.

How it works

Translation and rotation of the sampling spoon are performed by the geared motor unit.


The screw and chute assembly can be made of steel, stainless steel or plastic (polypropylene or similar).
Its design is such that the screw can be quickly and easily removed for cleaning.

Screw-in sampling probe

Insert the probe up to the chosen level, rotate the Archimedes screw to lift the product into the sample pot.

Drain the probe body, reverse the direction of rotation and remove the probe from the product.

For denser products, it’s possible to combine rotation of the Archimedean screw (screwing) to penetrate to the specified level (core drilling with ribbon screw).

Sonde de prélèvement à vis FORRATECHNIC


In contact with product (304 L stainless steel) and PETP. On request 316 L and PTFE.

How it works

Electrique : (battery-operated motorization). Direction of rotation reversal control on motor block. Torque limiter. The sample pot is screwed on and easily removed (or bag held by a collar).

Pneumatique : air 4 to 6 bars - tube Ø 6

Area of use

Powder, granules, crystals.

Special features

Various probe lengths are available.

The sample pot is taken from the standard models, but can be 25, 250 or 500 cm3.

Motor blocks and drain sleeves can be fitted to probes of different lengths.

The same probe can be fitted with different types of net (round, square, ribbon).


The unit is designed to be fully and quickly dismantled (2 clamps).

The drain sleeve can be removed from the quick connector.

The Archimedes screw can be removed from the motor block using a quick-release coupling.

STANDARD: diameter 27

Nota : special probes with smaller or larger diameters are available on request.

In addition to our sampling systems for powders and granulates in storage, FORRATECHNIC also offers sampling systems for gravity chutes.